Monday, January 14, 2013

Group Fitness

Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it. 
-Lou Holtz

I finished last week's training off with a satisfied feeling of accomplishment. I had targeted each body part/muscle group twice in 1 week (5 days trained). I had trained abs and cardio 3 times as well. I took Saturday off to rest my body and recharge for the rest of this week week. Sometimes it is great to do nothing all day and watch movies, but it always makes me feel so tired and lethargic afterwards.
 It was like I had ran a marathon! I woke up Sunday feeling sluggish and drained, but I couldn't let this feeling dictate my weekend so I decided to exercise first thing in the morning and get it out of the way. I decided to change things up and joined a total body conditioning class. The class was great! Working out with a group offered motivation andaccountability. The people around me were doing the exercises, so I knew that I could do it too. I felt that little extra pushfrom the music, energy in the room and the people around me to work harder. Another benefit was that the exercise routine moved on pace. There was little time to complain or to have a defeating attitude. I left the class feeling so enthused and good about myself from what I had just achieved. It had uplifted my spirits and set a positive tone for the rest of my day. I walked with a pep in my step and felt so alive!  If you ever feel like you need that extra boost or that extra push, joining a Group Fitness class is a great way to stay motivated, and to keep it EXCITING!

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