Thursday, December 13, 2012

I don't feel like working out today!

"Eighty percent of success is showing up." - Woody Allen

When I was younger, I made the mistake of staying up too late on Sunday nights. Boy would I suffer on Monday mornings! Feeling tired and groggy throughout the day is the worst way to start off your week. 
Even at the age 30, I still make that mistake once in a while! My wife and I stayed out too late at a friend's house this past Sunday night and we cursed Monday the next day! The last thing I wanted to do was work out. I got tired just thinking of the idea, but I wanted to start off the week on the right track. So I slowly went to the gym (like literally slowly)! Yes I was tired, but I inadvertently had a great work out! I did my exercises at a slower and more controlled pace, I lowered the amount of weight I lifted, thus concentrating on all my reps while breathing at a steady pace. I left the gym feeling great due to getting an adrenaline rush, and I was instantaneously re-energized...until that night when my face hit the pillow! 

Monday, December 10, 2012

A Simple Pasta Sauce Recipe

A Simple Pasta Sauce Recipe

Makes 3-4 servings

  • Chop cooking orange skinned onions (2 small or 1 big).
  • Pan on medium heat.
  • Pour olive oil to coat pan.
  • Drop chunks of onions in pan & cook until onions are clear & soft.
  • Cut garlic & put in pan.
  • Add a little water in pan so that the onions do not burn.
  • Add a can of tomato sauce (diced tomatoes).
  • After the sauce is poured, fill 1/3 of the can with water to add the excess sauce in the pan.
  • Reduce heat.
  • Rinse/chop/add mushrooms & put in pan. *
  • Cut 1/2 or 1/4 tomato & add in pan.
  • Add spices (salt, chili pepper, basil, oregano, italian style seasoning, etc.).
  • Leave on low heat for 25-30 minutes.
  • Stir every 2-3 minutes. **
  • 10 minutes before the sauce is done, boil a separate pot of water for the pasta. Put salt in the water.
  • Add pasta to the boiling water (I use whole wheat penne rigate pasta).
* Use vegetable of your choice here. I have used kale before.
** Use wooden spoon.

Fitness Guide

Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.
Tony Robbins 

Steps to Success:

  • Set a schedule and stick to it. Pick a time of the day and don't vary. Consistency builds habit which leads to great results.
  • Set realistic goals. It is important to set a goal and achieve it, adding difficulty as you can handle it.
  • Chart your progress. Place it on the fridge where you can see it often. Put a pic of your favorite "in-shape star" next to the chart to remind you where you're headed!
  • If you fall off the horse, collect yourself and get back on! That's ok. Just re-evaluate your goals if required, by all means begin again!
  • Begin each session by stretching and loosening the muscles through a warm up routine.
  • Do the exercise slowly and in a controlled, smooth and fluid manner.
  • Steady effort will build strong muscles.

Workout Plan:

  • Weeks 1-3: 3-5 sessions per week (for ex. every other day).
  • Weeks 4-8: 5-7 sessions per week.
  • Weeks 9-12: 5-7 sessions per week.
  • After that, maintenance: 3-5 sessions per week.

Nutrition Guide:

Proper diet combined with regular exercise will help you lose fat as
well as strengthen and tone the body.

Eating Recommendations:

  • Get at least 6 meals daily.
  • Make each meal count. If you eat anything, consider it a meal.
  • Eliminate any and all refined sugar and sweets.
  • Reduce caffeine intake and increase water intake (should be half your body weight in ounces). No alcohol!
  • All heavy starches to be consumed by 1 pm or 3rd meal of the day. For example: bread, pasta & rice.
  • 1 serving of protein should be consumed with every meal. For example: 4-6 ounce piece is considered 1 serving.
  • Limit dairy intake to 1st or 2nd meal.
  • All fruits should be consumed before 1 pm. No fruit juice!
  • Multi-vitamin everyday.
  • Maximum amount of time between meals should be 3 hours.
  • Protein always first choice then carbohydrates to be added.
  • Limit sugary condiments such as salad dressings
  • Meal replacement bars and shakes to be used if sugar free.

Food choices:

Proteins: Fish, chicken, lean steaks, lean ham, tuna, salmon, egg whites.

Carbohydrates: Every Carb item should be 1 cup of less - steamed brown
rice, steamed wild rice, whole wheat pasta, oatmeal, beans, sweet

Vegetables: Broccoli, snow peas, peppers, lettuce, eggplant, string
beans, spinach, cucumbers.

Fruits: (No canned or dried fruits) - Green apple, grapefruit,
cantaloupe, honeydew melon, blueberries, raspberries.

Sample meal planning:

7 am - Protein, carb.
9:30 am - Protein, carb.
12:30 pm - Protein, carb.
2:30 pm - Protein, vegetable.
5:30 pm - Protein, vegetable.
7 pm - Protein, vegetable.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Zone

David Meggyesy, former NFL player, provides this description, "The zone is the essence of the athletic experience, and those moments of going beyond yourself are the underlying allure of sport." (Cooper, 1998, p 25)


You know you are in the zone when you exhibit the following characteristics:

1. Your performance is effortless. 
2. You are in sync with your inner self, and
3. You display extreme focus and dominate in whatever you are pursuing. 

Being in the zone for me is not a characteristic but an absolute requirement while I train. Putting on my head phones and “zoning out” on life's problems, redirects my focus to my breath, and the perspiration drops that fall from my forehead to the floor. This sends me into a state of pure and utter euphoria. This state is not something that occurs every time that I train, but I strive to get into that zone every time that I do

…and once I am there…I never want to leave!