Tuesday, December 17, 2013

I No Longer Use this Blog Anymore

I now use Tumblr for all my health, wellness, and fitness related posts. Check it out and please follow me: http://rediscoverfitness.tumblr.com/

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Green Smoothie Formula

Here are some great tips to make your protein shakes or any other type of smoothies.

*Credit to www.alifebalance.com for the image 

Monday, September 16, 2013

7 Healthy Life Tips For The Nine-to-Fiver

As someone who has worked in an office environment for many years, I understand how hard it is to be mindful of healthy choices.  Sitting all day staring at a computer screen, answering phone calls, emails, and dealing with customers can be surprisingly strenuous on your body and mind.  A sedentary lifestyle can have a negative impact on your health- sitting for long periods of time can create a multitude of health issues, including lower back pain (which I have suffered), poor mobility and an increased risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.  Here are 7 tips to help you incorporate a healthier and more well balanced lifestyle into your office routine:

  1. Reduce Caffeine: Caffeine can dehydrate you which will cause you to crash and burn.  Drink plenty of water instead.  Water will increase your metabolism, which burns calories and gives you increased levels of energy throughout the day.
  2. Eat small meals and snacks every 2-3 hours: Each time you eat, you stimulate your metabolism for a short period of time.  Forgetting to eat and skipping meals drives the body into starvation mode, during which any and all calories consumed are stored as fat while muscle mass depletes.  Eating every 2-3 hours feeds muscle and starves fat.
  3. Go for a walk during breaks: Don't eat your lunch or take your breaks at your desk!  Recharge your brain and body by stimulating it with new settings and experiences.  I used to walk the neighborhood during my breaks to do a little window shopping at the local stores.  I'd talk to the locals, or people watch on a bench nearby.  These simple activities increased my blood flow and left me feeling refreshed and energized to get back to work!
  4. Stand while you work: Standing is better for your back.  Your posture will improve, your core will get stronger and your legs more fit.  Standing burns more calories- about 20 percent more. There are, however, cardiovascular risks related to prolonged standing.  The heart must work harder and there is a a significant increase in varicose veins*, especially in women.  Alternate between sitting, standing, and moving around while you work.
  5. Recognize your personality trait and absorb energy your way: Introverts have been proven to gain energy and confidence through multitasking.  Make a daily list in of priorities and stick to it!  Extroverts gain energy by being social.  Take the time to talk to a people- be they clients or coworkers.  Enjoy at least one great conversation a day!
  6. Healthy eating: Junk foods and/or foods high in sugar will make you feel slugish, bloated and low in energy.  Health risks include damage to your heart and liver, diabetes, poor performance and obesity.  Eating healthy fuels all bodily processes that enable you to move, think and breathe. Good food powers your life.
  7. Exercise before work or on your lunch break:  Squeeze in a quick work out! Doing so will give you an extreme adrenaline rush, feeding your feel good endorphins and give you a natural high with increased energy.  You'll feel good and be more productive.
*Varicose veins are swollen, twisted, and sometimes painful veins that are filled with an abnormal collection of blood.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Train Like A Wolverine

As I mentioned a couple of days ago, Hugh Jackman's video on his healthy lifestyle inspired me to live an even healthier lifestyle. I then started to research Hugh Jackman's life and discovered that him and I have a lot of the same personality traits. Both fun loving, easy going, considerate, and the list goes on and on. The most obvious interests we have that are similar is health, wellness, and fitness. This made me want to train at the gym like the jacked Jackman! So I found the training routine he did for the movie Wolverine on his personal trainer's (David Kingsbury) website. I just finished week 1 and I feel like a superhero mutant! The training routine improves strength and size, whilst also keeping body fat to a minimum. My muscles were confused by different variations of exercises. Drop sets, supersets, circuits, main lifts, it has it all! Check it out:

* Credit to David Kingsbury for creating the Wolverine Work Out


Monday, July 15, 2013

Hugh Jackman's Healthy Life Style

I was inspired by this interview with Hugh Jackman and I thought I would share it. He gave some great tips to live a healthy life style.
*Credit to mensfitness.com for the video & interview


Monday, July 8, 2013

Small Changes = BIG Results

In the past, I worked out very hard but was not satisfied with the results I got. I had a healthy diet and trained on a consistent basis but couldn't achieve the look I wanted. I made small changes within my diet, which in turn equalled to the results I desired. 

Here are 5 small changes I made:

  1. Reduced my dairy intake: Milk has plenty of protein but I found that if I consumed excessive amounts per day it caused me to feel bloated. I have since switched to almond milk* and have reduced my intake of other dairy products to 1-2 times per day (greek yogurt and cottage cheese).
  2. Replaced cereal with oatmeal: It is hard to avoid the sugar contents in cereal. It does take a little more effort to prepare oatmeal in the morning, but the health results are well worth it and oatmeal does come in instant packages. Oatmeal is loaded with fibre and antioxidants. It offers many health benefits, from protecting our hearts to preventing cancer and diabetes.
  3. Purchase produce at the farmer's marketUsing local foods inspires me to prepare healthy, plant-based meals that are low in calories and high in nutrients. I also feel good about supporting people in our community who make their living on the land. It's a win-win. I eat healthier — and help our local farmers, economy and environment.
  4. Decreased my consumption of red meatPrevious studies have linked saturated fats in red meat to an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, and death. A new study by researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital found that these sources of “bad” saturated fats might also affect your brain function, including memory. Red meat is high in zinc**, iron***, selenium****, and can be a great muscle-building food because it is high in protein. So I still consume it once in a while but mostly stick with chicken, turkey, and fish.
  5. Replaced bean salads with quinoa: As much as I love a good bean salad, it made me feel bloated. I discovered quinoa and have never looked back! It is a delicious and easy to prepare grain that is packed with protein, loaded with fiber, and even a dose of healthy fats. Plus, it's considered a "complete" protein, which means that, like meat, eggs, and dairy, it packs all of the essential amino acids your body needs to build muscle. 
These small changes made huge gains in my health and fitness. Which small changes could you make?

* After I had a consultation with a nutritionist, I discovered that I was partially whey intolerant. And because I take a whey protein supplement, the nutritionist recommended that I switch to almond milk, as not to consume too much whey protein per day.

** Zinc, which increases sperm count and is crucial to prostate health.

*** Iron, a key component of oxygen delivery within your cells.

**** Selenium, which can give your immune system a boost against illnesses.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Tabata Training

Tabata was founded in Japan by Izumi Tabata. He conducted tests on two groups of athletes; comparing moderate high intensity training with high intensity interval training.

Training in high intensity interval training improves your aerobic systems as well as your anaerobic system. Moderate high intensity training only improves your aerobic system and had little to no increase in their anaerobic system.

During demanding exercises, you put stress on your body. This increases your heart rate and you breathe much faster. Besides, your muscles burn leading to fat loss. After the workout, the body uses energy to repair the stress to get your body back to its original state. This may last for as long as 48 hours, hence effective in burning calories.  

Burn fat for up to 48 HOURS after my work out? Sign me up!  

Sample Tabata: 20 sec/10 sec rest

20 sec push ups
10 sec rest

20 sec body weight squats
10 sec rest

20 sec burpees
10 sec rest

repeat 3-5 times