Thursday, June 6, 2013

Tabata Training

Tabata was founded in Japan by Izumi Tabata. He conducted tests on two groups of athletes; comparing moderate high intensity training with high intensity interval training.

Training in high intensity interval training improves your aerobic systems as well as your anaerobic system. Moderate high intensity training only improves your aerobic system and had little to no increase in their anaerobic system.

During demanding exercises, you put stress on your body. This increases your heart rate and you breathe much faster. Besides, your muscles burn leading to fat loss. After the workout, the body uses energy to repair the stress to get your body back to its original state. This may last for as long as 48 hours, hence effective in burning calories.  

Burn fat for up to 48 HOURS after my work out? Sign me up!  

Sample Tabata: 20 sec/10 sec rest

20 sec push ups
10 sec rest

20 sec body weight squats
10 sec rest

20 sec burpees
10 sec rest

repeat 3-5 times 

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